It’s our biggest event of the year…
The one that covers every top overseas haven on our radar (all 21 of them)…
The one where we bring together our experienced team of expats and experts from each of these top havens to share their hard-won experience and insights with you…
And where, ultimately, we help you discover the best place(s) for you… and walk you through how, exactly, to put your own plans in place. Not on your own. But with support from our global team…
Yes, it’s time to play the music, light the lights, and open registration for our 2017 Retire Overseas Conference.
So, what exactly lies in store for you this Aug. 27–30 in Orlando? Who better to give you a behind-the-scenes look than somebody who, this time last year, stood right in your shoes…
Margaret S., who, along with her husband Ray, traveled to Las Vegas in their RV last August, sent us this note after the event:
“We looked forward to the seminar for many months, from the time Ray bought the reservation. And we got more and more excited about it the closer the time came to attend. But the morning we drove to the Green Valley Ranch where the event was to take place, I felt as jittery as I used to when attending grade and junior high school. I had butterflies in my stomach. It was the usual fear of the unknown that I experienced when getting ready for school every morning and couldn’t eat breakfast because of a nervous stomach.
“But as soon as we got to the event center in the hotel, all jitters left. We were welcomed by the very friendly girls behind the desk where we received our name tags and bag of goodies, the books and information regarding what we would be hearing and learning about during the seminar.
“We entered the conference room and were pleasantly surprised that there was a reserved section for VIP members and that we’d be sitting at tables. The little boxes filled with notepads, pens, and candies were a nice touch.
“Every day, we looked forward to the coffee breaks because each time we were served something different!
“We found the format for the seminar especially interesting because we could compare places to live as the presenters talked. We felt the different speakers were interesting and presented their places of residence very well.
“We have some friends who have lived a couple of months in Boquete, Panama. The way they described it and from other information we have read about it, this was the place we thought we’d like to live. But Ray kept saying, ‘We want to be sure to keep an open mind…’
“Before the three-and-a-half days of your conference were over, we had broadened our thinking and included Medellín, Colombia, and San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, too. Now, we have to decide among three places, and we intend to go for a month to each of these places before settling on one.
“I was very surprised when Kathleen told us from the podium that a man had been convinced through the conference not to retire overseas. This was the exact opposite for us. If anything, it whet our appetites even more and got us even more excited for the move.
“We liked the fact that nothing was sugarcoated. We know that there isn’t any one place in the world that has everything perfect about it. With the way the facts were presented, we can weigh the pros and cons of every place in which we are interested.”
Joining us for the Retire Overseas Conference is often the first big stepping stone our readers take on their going-overseas journey. It’s where everything starts to finally feel real… and achievable. And from which—apart from the guy Margaret mentioned above—there’s no going back. In a good way.
Beyond the expats and experts you’ll get to meet in Florida, this is your chance also to connect with others in your situation… some with no idea of where to go… others with a focused list of target destinations (and questions). These like-minded people will also be part of your support network as you move forward… and perhaps become your new neighbors overseas. But you’ll get to know them first, here in Orlando, over coffee breaks and cocktails…
If you’d like to set the wheels in motion for your own adventure overseas—and figure out where that will be and how you can make it happen (with our experts on your side to help)—then this event is for you.
I hope to see you this fall for our biggest (and most fun) event of the year.
Valentine Fouché
Editor, Live and Invest Overseas Confidential