Of All The Investments Out There, Why Real Estate?
Of all the investment options out there, why put your money into real estate?
For international real estate guru Lief Simon—the most globally-spread investor I know—it boils down to one thing: his ability to sleep well at night…
You see, there’s a certain comfort that comes with owning a hard asset like real estate. Stocks go up and down every day. They go in cycles. You have to keep watching them (it can become an obsession… and, well, interfere with your sleep pattern).
Real estate, on the other hand, doesn’t have this erratic nature. In most cases, your property is sitting there, holding its value, and often appreciating. It can boost your cash flow by bringing in regular rental income. When not rented out, you can use it for your vacations. Best of all, once you go about it the right way, you don’t have to worry about it day to day.
Now, when you could fairly easily invest in property in a familiar market in the United States, why go to the bother of investing overseas?
The logical reason to invest overseas is for diversification outside the United States—and, importantly, outside the U.S. dollar. No matter what any seasoned U.S. investor may tell you, if all your investments and assets are in U.S. dollars, you’re not truly diversified. You have no safety net when things go sour.
That’s the clinical way of looking at it. But there’s a huge personal element to investing overseas, too… and one that shouldn’t be ignored.
Latin American Correspondent Lee Harrison—who’s been living and investing overseas for nearly two decades—looks first for a place where he would enjoy spending time… then he researches the practicalities of investing in the local market.
Certainly, for a first-time investor, Lee’s is a good model to follow. This way, if the local market goes against you, you’re still invested in a place where you’re happy to spend time. You’re in it for the long term… and are willing to wait for things to climb back up.
Ideally, for true diversification, you want to invest in a number of markets. But, for the first-time overseas investor, finding that first opportunity is your goal.
If you were in Panama City with Lief, Lee, and the rest of our team of global property experts last week, you got to hear first-hand about some of the best opportunities in the world right now for short-, medium-, and long-term investment.
But if you weren’t able to attend our 2019 Global Property Summit, all is not lost…
Right now, we’re preparing Your Dream Home Overseas: The How To Buy, Own, And Profit From Foreign Property Program—a full set of audio recordings (straight from the live event), slideshows, and bonus reports, so you can tap into all these latest opportunities… and understand everything you need to know before making your move on the global scene.
It’s not easy entering a foreign market. The purchase process (assuming an official one exists) works differently. Contracts are in a foreign language. Titles may be complicated. Often, prices are all over the place. Our experts don’t leave any stone unturned—you’ll get up to speed on these pitfalls and how to navigate them.
And, while you missed the opportunity to meet with the experts in person this time, you’ll have their contact details (included in the program) should you want to follow up with any questions.
As we continue to prepare Your Dream Home Overseas: The How To Buy, Own, And Profit From Foreign Property Program this week, you can save nearly 75% on it, here. But don’t delay—this offer ends at midnight on Saturday, July 6.
Kat Kalashian