Time To Get On Your Way
It’s getting closer… our biggest and best event of the year… the 2016 Retire Overseas Conference. And, if you’ve never joined us for a Live and Invest Overseas event before, then this is the best start you can possibly give yourself as you explore your options for living a richer life overseas…
On the ground at the Green Valley Ranch Resort in Las Vegas, we’ll introduce you to the world’s top 21 havens worth your consideration for living and investing today…
Places where other expats have retired or reinvented themselves… and
who now join us to share their own stories.
Places where you could retire in comfort… even on a limited income.
Places where you could invest… for a solid return.
Places where you could live in safety, finally secure in the knowledge that your money isn’t going to “run out.”
So, where in the world is your place?
Maybe lively and sunny Panama—where I’ve been enjoying the adventure of a lifetime these past 18 months. Or, one of the many other enticing destinations we’ve told you about in recent months… Portugal, the best of the Old World… vibrant and friendly Medellín… the warm welcome of tropical Belize…
I can’t tell you, of course, exactly which place will fit the bill for you. But I can tell you that, whatever your dreams, whatever your budget, there is somewhere out there for you. Perhaps even more than one place. And that’s ok, too…
Because you don’t need to find the place. This search process is not a means to an end… but the beginning of a grand journey…
By going somewhere… anywhere… overseas, you’re giving yourself more freedom than ever before. You may find that the first place you “try on for size” is the place you’ll stay for years… Or it could be a stepping-stone to the next adventure.
Likewise, you may decide to live just three or six months of the year overseas… and spend the rest back home. Or you may decide to split your year between a number of overseas havens.
I say all this not to confuse you but to remind you that your options are many. The decisions are all yours. And our team is here to support you every step of the way.
At our Retire Overseas Conference, our mission is to introduce you to the best places in the world where you could enjoy a great lifestyle (often at a fraction the cost), to arm you with all the practical information you need, and to connect you with the experts who can help you safely and efficiently through the entire process of relocating.
This coming weekend in Las Vegas is your only chance this year to meet with the experts and expats who have gone before you—as they introduce you to the world’s top 21 havens, all under one roof.
If you’d like to join us for these power-packed four days, you can reserve your place here.
Or, if you’d prefer to gently dip your toe into what’s on offer, you have another option…
For the second year running, we’re offering an Express Pass to readers who would like to join us for the first “big picture” day of the event. With this pass, you’ll have access to our Retire Overseas Expo on Aug. 28, including complete access to the exhibition room featuring more than 30 exhibitors, as well as a seat for the following presentations:
- Retirement Planning—Get Your Finances In Shape (An Interactive Workshop): Presented by Kathleen Peddicord, Lief Simon, and Lee Harrison…
- Timing Your Retirement: Presented by Lee Harrison…
- Discover The Americas: Presented by Kathleen Peddicord, Lief Simon, Lee Harrison, Mike Cobb, and Kat Kalashian…
- Discover Asia: Presented by Kathleen Peddicord, Lief Simon, Rick Ellis, and Andrew Fiddament…
- Discover Europe: Presented by Kathleen Peddicord, Lief Simon, Lucy Culpepper, and Luis Da Silva…
Cost of the Express Pass is just US$99—the most affordable door price we’ve ever offered—if you register online (or US$119 at the door). If you’re bringing a guest, they pay just US$50 online (or US$70 at the door). Full details of the Retire Overseas Expo are here.
Whether you’re joining us for one day… or four… and whether this is your first event or your fifth… I look forward to welcoming you to our big gathering in Las Vegas this Sunday.
Valentine Fouché
Editor, Live and Invest Overseas Confidential