Tags: live overseas

Clear water beach in Thailand

A New, Better Way To Retire

Go to school… get a job… work hard for a few decades… retire… then die. For as long as I can remember, that’s the schedule we’ve been expected to adhere to. Some people make it look good. I have friends now retiring in their early 60s with money in the bank, good health, and lots of…
Aerial view of the coast of Costa Rica.

Battle Of The Bests: Our Top Havens Face Off

It might be easy to get on board with the idea of retiring overseas… But it’s not as easy to figure out where in the world you’d like to do it. Most people, faced with this tough question, make comparisons to help narrow things down… One of the most commonly asked questions we get at…
Beautiful tropical beach at exotic island with palm trees

The 14 Things That Make A Great Overseas Destination

14 Essential Things To Consider Before Choosing Your New Home Overseas This week marks the 15th birthday of Live And Invest Overseas, and it seems like a good time for reminding ourselves of the basics… all the first things to consider when you

Sunrise over beautiful Sanur beach on Bali, Indonesia.

The Top Retirement Destinations By Continent

The Best Retirement Havens For 2023 With a world of enticing options for an overseas retirement to pick from, the trickiest part of an international move can often be narrowing down your choices to just

Happy friends doing barbecue outdoors

The Truth About Making Friends Overseas

Your New Foreign Friends Will Be Some Of The Best You Make… An American, a Norwegian, a Mexican, an Indian, and a Lithuanian sit down to lunch… No, it’s not the start of a bad joke, it’s what life looks like when you start to make friends in your new home overseas. The lunch I’m…

Businessman using a computer to Concept of fund financial investment management portfolio diversification

Keys to Diversifying Your Portfolio

Diversifying Your Portfolio As The World’s Going Through Changes Record housing prices, record equity in real estate, collapsed cryptocurrency market, inflation at 40-year highs, interest rates up, stock markets down… And that’s just in the United States. We all expected the pandemic to wreak havoc on the economy… and it did in some ways, but,…

Senior couple hiking during summer

Take Your Pick: Custom-Tailor Your New Life Overseas

What Makes You Miserable? Start Your Overseas Adventure There This will be a piece of cake, I told myself as we prepared for our move from Baltimore to Waterford what now seems like a lifetime ago… How different can Ireland be from the United States? My husband, my daughter, and I, we’ll slide right into…

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