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Beach house in Mexico

The Benefits Of Overseas Real Estate: A Great Way To Store And Grow Wealth

8938. That’s the number of the IRS form you have to fill out to report foreign financial assets. If you own foreign assets, you have to fill out IRS Form 8938 even if you’ve lived out of the country for most of your life. However, here’s an important point: You do not have to report…
Aerial view of the coast of Costa Rica.

Battle Of The Bests: Our Top Havens Face Off

It might be easy to get on board with the idea of retiring overseas… But it’s not as easy to figure out where in the world you’d like to do it. Most people, faced with this tough question, make comparisons to help narrow things down… One of the most commonly asked questions we get at…
Puerto Vallarta Mexico

The Top 2 Hotspots For A Latin America Retirement

Last week, I began a countdown of the top four places to retire in Latin America in 2024, and today, we come to the top two… #2: Panama, A Retirement And Business Haven With Pacific And Caribbean Coastlines Panama could arguably be called the world’s best offshore haven. There is no doubt that Panama has…


“The absolute finest conference I ever attended (& that number is in the hundreds). Topics were great. Presenters were wonderful. Your staff was outstanding.”

— Bob Seligman, United States
“I feel much better prepared and therefore more confident in planning to retire in another country.”
— Stephen Scott, United States
“The first day has more than paid for the expense of the trip.”
— Scot Cave, United States
“Completely exceeded any expectations I had.”
— Kelly G., United States
“What a team Lief and Kathleen have put together! I’m so impressed with the extent of professional knowledge present in each of the speaker’s presentations.”
— Kelly G. , United States

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