Tags: lee harrison

Why Medellin Is Attracting Everyone

Why Medellin Is Attracting Everyone (Including Serial Expats)

Serial Expat Calls This Place “The Best Of The Best”… You may know Lee Harrison as our Latin America Editor or as editor of Overseas Property Alert… but he also holds the position of “serial expat”… Lee, who retired at 49, spent his early expat years in charming, affordable Ecuador before moving on to a…

These are the 3 most important factors when timing your retirement.

The 3 Most Important Factors When Timing Your Retirement

Go When You’re Able… Not When You’re Comfortable “In my 15 years of living overseas, I’ve never met anybody who hated their new home so much that they packed up and went home,” Latin America Editor Lee Harrison told our bunch of over 400 attendees gathered in Las Vegas last week for our annual Retire…

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