Tags: life in panama

View of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

The Best Places To Retire In Latin America In 2025

We just released our latest annual Overseas Retirement Index—a report you can’t afford to miss out on. This hugely anticipated report is the climax of everything we do all year long. Here’s a taste of just a few of the countries that are featured for 2025... Mexico: Accessible, Affordable, And Familiar… Why Go Farther? Mexico…
View of a flag from Panama in a park in Panama City, Panama

Panama City 2.0

My family and I landed in Panama last night, and it felt like coming to a completely new place… The new airport terminal has been completed since I was here last (only partially operational a few years ago), and it was all so sleek and new I didn’t recognize a bit of the airport I…
View of Casco Viejo in Panama City, Panama

What I Miss Most About Panama

At the time of writing this I’m preparing for my first return to Panama in two years… Here in Paris, it’s already quite chilly and our summer clothes have been packed away for weeks… my husband and I need both business and beach clothes… warm-weather wear that still fits our rapidly growing 4-year-old needs to…
Panoramic view of Volcan, Panama

Escaping The Heat In The Mountains Of Panama

Situated in the highlands of western Panama, Tierras Altas (literally, “High Lands”) features comparable scenery to neighboring Boquete—misty hillsides dense with greenery, gardens terraced into slopes, and abundant wildflowers. Its cool-weather climate and the outdoor lifestyle it affords are also similar… But Tierras Altas is also very different to Boquete in important ways. First, it’s…
Red Frog Beach, Bocas del Toro, Panama

Move To Panama: Live Better And Save More

We Chose Panama When We Could Have Based Ourselves Anywhere—Here’s Why “In 2013 my wife Carolyn and I decided we needed a change. Our lives in Hawaii

Panama Casco Antiguo

Panama Versus Paris: Reasons We Love These 2 Countries

Panama Versus Paris—Couldn’t Be More Different, But I Love Them Both My family and I returned to Panama last week after a three-year absence (thanks to Covid), and it’s wonderful to be back in our sometimes home… and it’s the first time my daughter has been able to visit. Thanks to our permanent residency, we…

The beach El Rompio on Azuero Peninsula, Panama.

Is Retiring In Panama Still A Good Choice? If So, Where?

From Laid-Back To Luxury, Panama Offers Every Lifestyle A Retiree Could Wish For… All A Bargain I was the first to suggest Panama as a good choice for any North American looking for a place to retire that was sunny and cheap. I made that recommendation for the first time in 1998. Back then, I…

Keel-billed Toucan, shot in Panama.

What Makes Living In Panama A Wonderful Experience

Top 7 Things I Miss About Panama It’s been nearly two full years since I packed my bags and left the tropics. I have to admit that I was more than eager to move on from Panama… I had waited so long to get back to Paris. But knowing that Panama would always be in…

Panama City Skyline

Insights On Living In Panama: The Land That Has It All

Experiencing Life In Panama I’ll admit I knew little about Panama before I arrived in the country—and not even about that guy who faked his death in a canoe. (If you haven’t heard that one, don’t worry—I’ll share more details later.) I’d heard, of course, about the furious pace of construction in Panama City over…

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