Tags: Living Overseas

Beach scenes from Punta Chame in Panama

How To Approach Living Overseas Criticism From Loved Ones

How To Deal With “You’re Crazy!” And Other Words Of Discouragement A friend here in Paris was entertaining her in-laws recently, visiting from New Mexico, and I joined them for a walking tour of the city one day. We stopped for coffee and the conversation naturally got around to the topic of living overseas… turns…

Expat Communities Overseas

How Important Are Expat Communities Overseas?

Before You Move Overseas, Meet The Neighbors… If you’ve ever worried that, by moving overseas, you’ll be cut off from North American—or, at least, English-speaking—company, then please be assured that the world is far smaller than you think… as your fellow reader Michael Herndon recently found: Valentine, I’m staying in Valencia, Spain, until June 3.…

Vacationing on a beach

Why Living Overseas Is Different Than A Vacation

Better Than Any Vacation Aren’t you glad we’re almost out of January? By now, you’ve recovered from the post-holiday blues, you’ve snapped back into your routine, and you’re looking forward to a greater year ahead. A lot of people, of course, are mentally skipping right ahead to summer. They’re taking advantage of January sales and…

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