A Rich Cultural Scene And World Class Health Care

Colombia Overseas

A Rich Cultural Scene And World Class Health Care

Dear LIOS Confidential Reader,

The first time I ever recommended Americans think about retiring overseas was back in 1985.

When I began making these kinds of suggestions, I was sometimes met with suspicion… sometimes ignored… now and then even attacked as part of the lunatic fringe.

The good news is that today the idea of retiring outside the country where you happened to have been living up until that point is no longer considered crazy.

Close to 15 years ago, I made perhaps the boldest recommendation of my career…

A South American gem nothing like you’d expect…

Pretty, pleasant, sophisticated and chic, welcoming and affordable… a place on track to become one of the world’s most sought-after destinations, for both retiring and investing.

I’m talking about Colombia.

The image of Colombia as a dangerous land of cartels is decades out of date.

Pablo Escobar died nearly 30 years ago, and Venezuela’s instability has led to the best U.S.-Colombia relations in modern history. Colombia now even has the backing of the AARP.

What makes Colombia such an appealing retirement destination?

Truth is, it checks every box for would-be retirees.

Colombia has:

  • “Perfect” weather… it’s mild and spring-like all year long, so no need for heating or air conditioning…
  • World-class health care… 8 of the 35 best hospitals in all of Latin America are located here…
  • A rich cultural scene… complete with theater, orchestra, world famous artists, and exciting events…
  • An affordable cost of living… You can live well on US$1,000 a month, or in outright luxury on double that…
  • Great investment potential… for both the capital gain and the income investor…
  • And the real estate? It’s a screaming bargain, both to buy and to rent…

People have already begun to discover this hidden paradise…

In time, even more people will realize the truth. Until then, opportunity abounds for those savvy enough to see past the myths to the reality of what this beautiful “City of Eternal Spring” offers today.

Aside from the bargains, the people here are polite and friendly, the streets are clean and safe, and the infrastructure is international-standard.

With its restaurants, cafés, galleries, and shops, this place feels more European than Latin American.

OK, brass tacks…

How much will it cost you to retire in Colombia?

Colombia offers a cultured and tranquil life for less than US$1,000 a month…

But it depends on where you choose to live… and how you live.

Which communities make most sense for you given your personal preferences, priorities, and budget?

I’ve been scouting, researching, and living in these places for more than a dozen years. Lief and I were so smitten with the way of life on offer in Medellín that, in 2011, we decided to invest in a part-time home of our own here.

As a result of all the time we’ve spent in this part of the world, we’ve been able to build an inner circle of trusted advisors, including lawyers, business owners, local professionals, retirees, and expats, with decades of experience living and investing in Colombia.

And in just a few days’ time we’re bringing this special group of people together for the 2023 Access Colombia Online Workshop.

The Access Colombia Online Workshop has been designed to give you the expert information and insider access that you need to make the most important decisions about your new life in Colombia.

Our on-the-ground expats and experts will give you the inside track on the wealth of opportunities on offer here as well as warning you of potential downsides and pitfalls to avoid.

Whatever your goals, you’ll come away with the locations and insights you need to put your best foot forward as you start your Colombia journey…

I hope to see you there.

Until next time,

Kathleen Peddicord
Founding Publisher, Overseas Opportunity Letter

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