An All Access Pass Can Help You Make The Right Move Abroad

A quiet beach in Brazil at sunrise

An All Access Pass Can Help You Make The Right Move Abroad

A Lifetime Of Help For Your Adventure Overseas

Out of 195 countries on the planet, there are probably 100 or more that you’d like to visit… and maybe dozens that you’d think about calling home. From the Caribbean to Europe to Asia to Latin America, if you’re thinking of putting down some roots overseas, how do you begin to narrow down your dozens and dozens of options?

Maybe you’re one of those lucky decisive people—or have clocked up thousands of travel miles over the years—and already know exactly where you want to be in the world…

For most folks, though, it’s not that easy.

Most of us have to do some work to find our new place in the world.

First, you probably have an inkling of the type of culture you’re drawn to.

The exoticism of Asia might seem like a dream come true… or its alien culture and sheer distance might put you off from the start.

Europe could seem stodgy and expensive… or you may find it offers the history and culture you’ve always longed to be part of.

The laidback mañana attitude of going south of the border might give your type-A personality the shakes… or sound like just the change of pace you need.

Once you’ve an idea of the culture you’re seeking, you zoom in a little. You consider distance from your family, cost of living, and the language you’ll be dropped into. Perhaps availability of health care is a top concern, or maybe accessibility to the beach or mountains tops your priority list.

These things might bring you around to a single country of interest, but most likely they still leave you with a handful of viable choices.

So then what?

How To Decide Which Country Is Best For You

If you’re one of the many left deliberating between multiple attractive overseas options, the best way—the only real way—to find out which one(s) could make a happy new home for you is to visit in person…

Better yet, visit and meet with local expats and some expert service providers who can help to introduce you to this new place… and help you settle in if you decide to stay.

We can’t help with every single country on the globe. But we can help considerably with about 25 or so places that we consider to be the best options this world has to offer. These are the places where, for years, we’ve had our own boots (and plenty of eyes) on the ground… where we have a retinue of reliable local service providers on hand (from trusted attorneys to language teachers to realtors), and where we know folks who’ve already moved and never looked back.

Unfortunately, there aren’t enough months in the year for us to plan a live event in each of these two dozen countries annually, but we do our best to get to our top four each year (Panama, Belize, Colombia, and Portugal are staples on the event calendar at this point), as well as adding a few surprise stops as we’re able.

And, if we can’t get there in person (places like Brazil, Malta, Thailand, and Malaysia), we make sure to cover them somehow—whether it’s at the annual Retire Overseas Conference where we’ve traditionally featured 21 havens or, beginning in 2020, with the exciting new prospect of virtual events. (More details coming soon on our first virtual event… that will have all the same great insights and expertise without the additional cost of airfare and accommodation.)

If you’ve got more than a place or two on your list, those visits will take some time, and the costs will add up…

While we can’t help offset the cost of hotels and airfares, we can help save you money on the expertise you need to make an informed decision—and this expertise is sure to save you money in the long run should you decide to commit to a place. I can’t tell you the number of stories I’ve heard from people trying to go at it alone and ending up paying multiples of what they should have to lawyers or property agents along the way.

VIP Membership

If you’re thinking about getting out and exploring a few places in 2020… and would like to do it in good company… then it’s worth considering a Live and Invest Overseas All Access Pass.

I mention this today because we’re about to close entry to this VIP-level membership this week…

Our All Access Pass grants you entry to any and all conferences we hold, anywhere in the world, for life. If you think that attending multiple events might be the answer you need to help you get off the fence, then meet us anywhere or attend any digital conference we host with your All Access Pass, and you’ll never pay for individual fares for yourself or a guest again.

Panama… Italy… Belize… Portugal… Colombia… these are the places we’ll be visiting in person next year, but we’ll also be hosting virtual events on Ecuador, Mexico, and the Mediterranean. And those are just the country-focused events…

We’ll also host our annual Retire Overseas Conference in the States, our Offshore Wealth Summit, and our Global Property Summit, to help zero in on some of the most complex issues to do with a life overseas.

Of course, we don’t expect you to travel to each and every event we host over the course of a year, but no matter what, you’ll also receive the conference recordings so you can tune in to the video and audio presentations at home… or on the move.

Now, as I mentioned, we’re getting ready to close the door on All Access Pass entry. You’ll understand that to serve our All Access Pass members well, we need to keep the group small.

So, from this Wednesday, we’re as good as locking up and throwing away the key. Any readers interested in joining after that point will go on a waiting list until a vacancy opens up (which could be many months down the line).

This Offer Can’t Last

But there is some good news in all this. Especially for you, dear LIOS Confidential reader…

If you haven’t already been to an event with us, I’m guessing it’s on your mind to do so soon. (Why else would you tease yourself with these letters every week?)

So, I had a word with Sarah (our LIOS Marketing Manager) to see if she could cut us a deal. And, the word back was even better than I expected…

I thought maybe U$100 or US$200 off at best…

But, it seems I caught Sarah at a good time…

She says you can have a whole US$500 off.

This doesn’t happen often. And, we can’t keep it open long.

If you’d like to grab one of these last-chance-before-2020-is-upon-us All Access Passes… and save US$500 on your membership… then you need to get back to us before midnight tomorrow here.

This is an exclusive, one-off discount to LIOS Confidential readers and can only be accessed through the links in this email.

After midnight tomorrow, Tuesday, Oct. 22, the curtain drops on All Access Pass registration, and it may be months before we can raise it again.

Check out all the perks you’ll enjoy as a full-fledged All Access Pass member here.

Kat Kalashian

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