Tags: life in europe

Paris during New Year´s Eve.

A European New Year

I’m about to ring in my seventh year as a resident in France, and I’ve so far celebrated in a variety of ways, ranging from cliché American, to cliché tourist, to cliché French. I blame the “American year” on my ninth month of pregnancy, when I wasn’t motivated to be anywhere but my bed or…

11 Reasons To Choose Europe

Why Europe? It’s been a while since I considered the question… Let’s take a step back today and reconsider Europe from a broader perspective. Why should anyone want to live in Europe? Here are the top 11 reasons I can think of… Café culture. Most European cities have some sort of café culture, which lends…
Tourism and banking are the main players in the services sector and are performing well in Montenegro.

Will EU Membership Transform Montenegro’s Economy Like It Did Ireland’s?

Ireland is one of the richest countries in the world, with a per capita GDP of US$125,000. But only 51 years ago, Ireland was one of the poorest countries in Western Europe, with a per capita GDP of just US$2,080. What caused this miraculous change in fortunes? It wasn’t the luck of the Irish, nor a leprechaun’s…
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