Today we kick off our 2017 Offshore Wealth Summit live from Panama City. If you’re in town, I look forward to meeting you later. If you’re at home watching our live stream from your favorite chair, I promise you’re in for a great show.
As I walked the room this morning, checking through the final preparations, I remembered the words that Kathleen shared in one of our opening sessions last year…
“We have all these dark suits up here,” she said‒indicating the panel of attorneys and offshore specialists sitting in their finery. “But I’m here to counteract that and remind you that this is your life.”
No question, our Offshore Wealth Summit covers serious matters‒from estate planning to residency to strategies that can help minimize your taxes. (Hence all the suits on stage.) But, as Kathleen reminded us all, you have to think about the big picture, too. So that, once you have all your flags planted, you get to enjoy the life you’ve worked so hard to build for yourself and your loved ones.
If you’re investing in an overseas property, for example, you’re going to have to check in on your place from time to time. This shouldn’t be a chore that you dread. It should feel like a welcome vacation opportunity. (From Old Europe to the Caribbean, we have some top chill-out spots to share with you this week.)
The bad news is there’s no cookie-cutter solution to diversifying offshore. Your challenge is to figure out the best strategies for you‒and those jurisdictions best suited to your lifestyle.
Fortunately, you don’t have to do this alone. Our aim at this week’s Offshore Wealth Summit is to help you figure out this plan under the guidance of our expert team.
Lief Simon, who’s heading up this event, says it’s taken him 20 years to get to the point where he’s comfortably diversified. Of course, nobody needs to be quite as diversified as Lief. But those of you with access to the proceedings this week can benefit from Lief’s two decades of hard-won knowledge… as well as the expertise of the offshore team he has gathered.
If you’re not in the room with us, or watching the action live from home, there’s still a way you can tap into all the important, life-changing strategies and opportunities we’ll discuss this week…
In the 2017 Wealth Building and Diversification Kit, we’ll capture the recordings of all our speakers here, their PowerPoints, and a library of bonus reports‒all for you to listen in on and flip through at your leisure…
With the 2017 Wealth Building and Diversification Kit, you’ll find how to:
Drastically reduce your tax obligations or even live income-tax free…
Set up an ironclad defense against future litigation, frivolous suits, or divorce actions…
Discover the 5 easiest places to obtain offshore residency, often without even having to live there…
And the easiest, quickest, and cheapest place in the world today to obtain second citizenship and a second passport…
Get to know the world’s best havens for bank privacy and legal offshore structures…
Discover 3 ways to profit from the world’s best real estate investment opportunities…
Learn the value of holding physical precious metals offshore, something that (along with real estate) can be legally non-reportable to the IRS…
Learn the many benefits of incorporating and doing business in an offshore location… and the best places in the world to start a business today…
Be introduced to the 3 best jurisdictions for opening an offshore bank account… even open up an account on the spot…
Learn the best way to take title to your overseas property investments…
Understand when you need an offshore structure… and when investing in one is a waste of time and money…
Find out how to use your IRA or other retirement account funds to invest offshore… and when it just doesn’t make sense to do so…
Discover 6 easy ways to diversify safely outside the U.S. dollar to build a truly diversified portfolio…
See why you should be looking beyond silver and gold for your metals portfolio…
Learn the secret to getting the best exchange rate when changing funds into another currency… even locking in a current favorable exchange rate for a future investment…
Be introduced to the safest high-yielding investments in the world…
Rediscover true privacy, the kind that existed in the United States 50 years ago…
Again, this kind of planning takes time. And right now is the best time to get started planting your flags. Reserve your copy of the 2017 Wealth Building and Diversification Kit today‒and save more than 50% with our pre-release discount. As soon as the last presentation is over, we’ll work to bundle everything together and grant you full access.
(Note: If you’re attending the event or have opted to watch over live stream, you’ll automatically be sent access to these recordings and bonus materials without additional charge.)
I’m off now to grab a coffee and meet some of your fellow readers gathered here in the Marriott. Best part of my job…
Valentine Fouché
Editor, Live and Invest Overseas Confidential
Tel. 1-888-627-8834 (toll-free in the United States)