7 Reasons To Live In “The City Of Eternal Summer”
A couple weeks back, I ran a comparison of Medellín and Cartagena—the two Colombian cities most popular with expats.
With our 2018 Live and Invest in Colombia Conference just around the corner, I’d like to bring a third option to the mix today: Cali.
Renowned as the sports capital of Colombia, Cali is the country’s third-largest city—after Bogotá and Medellín—yet still relatively unknown to expats.
Digital nomad Jeff Paschke, who has lived in Colombia for over five years (spending time in all its major cities), says of Cali:
“Santiago de Cali, also known as Cali, is considered the salsa capital of Colombia and the ‘city of eternal summer.’ I have traveled to Cali several times and, considering the low cost of living and many things to do nearby, I don’t understand why more foreigners haven’t discovered this attractive city.
“In some ways, this city is like Medellín 10-plus years ago—before all the positive press brought many foreigners there. Cali has a warmer, summer-like climate that doesn’t change much during the year… but real estate can be up to 50% cheaper when compared to Medellín, and even cheaper when compared to Bogotá or Cartagena.
“While in Cali recently, I met a couple of expats living in the city. One said he had lived in Medellín for a few years until he discovered Cali, which he says he likes better, as he prefers a warmer climate with more sun, along with the lower cost of living, less traffic, and less pollution.”
To give you a quick snapshot, here are the seven top reasons the prospective expat should consider Cali today:
1. The real estate market in Cali is active and under-valued
Cali has a well-organized real estate industry with a fairly generous inventory of quality properties. Construction standards are high—even in older buildings—yet prices are lower than you’ll find in other Colombian cities… an amazing value considering Cali’s quality of life and amenities.
2. It’s near the Pacific Coast and the coffee region
Cali is only about two hours by road from the Pacific Coast and only about three hours by road from Colombia’s coffee region, meaning you can go whale-watching or explore the Eje Cafetero (coffee region) on the weekends. Expats in Cali report that the city frequently clears out on the weekends, as there is so much to do within easy driving distance.
3. It’s a First World environment
Cali boasts drinkable water along with dependable phone service, electricity, and high-speed internet. You’ll find many shopping options, from mom-and-pop stores to upscale boutiques… as well as several large, modern shopping malls, including the Chipichape and Unicentro malls. The banks and financial services in the city are the same as you’ll find in Bogotá and Medellín, and they are solid and dependable.
4. It’s the salsa capital of Colombia
And is considered by many to have the best nightlife in the country. There are countless bars and clubs in Cali, many salsa-based, but also with other themes like rock and reggaetón. If you like dancing, brush up on a few steps before you arrive or take some classes once you get here. In Cali, knowing how to dance may even be more important than knowing Spanish.
5. It’s an enjoyable place to be
From the hole-in-the-wall shop selling homemade empanadas to elegant restaurants with fine cuisine, your dining experience will be varied in Cali with a tremendous number of options in the city. The sizzling nightlife draws visitors from the entire country.
6. It’s away from the typical gringo trail
Cali is not a typical tourist destination in Colombia (yet), and the city hasn’t gotten much press, so not many foreigners have discovered or visited it. This is currently changing, with foreign tourism in Cali growing at double-digit rates.
7. Cali is Colombia’s Pacific gateway
With its proximity to the Pacific port of Buenaventura, Cali has attracted a major multinational presence, with over 150 multinational companies including Abbott, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Colgate-Palmolive, Johnson & Johnson, Nestlé, Unilever, and many more. The path of progress here is clear…
Again, this is just a sneak peek at the lifestyle on offer in Cali today. Our experts gathered in Medellín, Colombia, this June 6–8, will give you the full story on all your top options for carving out a new life—or a part-time escape—in Colombia.
And, remember, though the dollar has weakened recently, it still goes farther in Colombia today than it historically has. Thanks to the current exchange rate, you have about 50% more buying power today than four years ago. And, in a place like Cali, you can find some outstanding bargains—with the added benefit of living in a sophisticated city. This type of opportunity is rare… and it can’t possibly last long.
If you’d like to join us in Colombia, but haven’t yet reserved your seat, I urge you to do so this week… because our Early Bird Discount of US$250 expires this Friday.
Also, remember to use your exclusive coupon code PRECOL50 to save an extra US$50.
That’s a total of US$300 off your seat when you book before midnight this Friday.
I hope to see you in Medellín…
Valentine Fouché