Your Journey To A New Life Overseas Is Just Getting Started

A New Life Overseas

Your Journey To A New Life Overseas Is Just Getting Started

The Dynamite Approach To Finding The Good Life Overseas

Moving overseas is more than just a process to be trudged through…

It’s a journey.

You can’t possibly know how that journey will play out exactly. (Right now, you may have no idea of where you want to go.)

But one thing you do have control over, starting today, is how long you want to drag this journey out.

You can make it into an epic escape… researching for years… chipping away with a rock hammer, Shawshank-style, hoping to drop out the other side… somewhere, some day…

Or you can make the right connections… get in with those on the inside… trade in that little rock hammer for some dynamite… and propel yourself into glorious expat life in less than a year (and possibly within a few months)…

That’s essentially what you get with Live and Invest Overseas Private Access—the dynamite approach to living and investing overseas.

We only open access to this personal consulting service once a year, and it’s limited to just 10 participants. Now that the doors to this exclusive service have opened once again, here’s what you need to know…

** Weekend retreat in Colombia. Private Access offers you a year of personal consulting with our top Live and Invest Overseas experts. But it all starts with one weekend in Medellín, Colombia, where you’ll meet with Kathleen Peddicord, Lief Simon, and a handful of our top experts.

This weekend gathering is completely different to any event you may have attended in the past. While there will be some small-group presentations, much of the time will be given over to one-to-one meetings where our experts get to know you and your needs… can recommend the places worth your consideration… and—critical to your success—can help you make a personalized, step-by-step plan.

** Monthly, one-to-one telephone consulting. No matter how expert our experts, they can’t figure out everything over one weekend. And, once you have time to think things over alone, you’ll have more questions. So, once a month—starting one month from our exclusive retreat in Colombia—you can schedule a one-hour consulting call with Lief Simon to discuss how things are coming along, get answers to your questions, and get hooked up with our trusted people on the ground around the world who can help with the practicalities of your move.

** Free conferences for one year. During this year, as you explore your options, you are also welcome to join us for any—and all—of our Live and Invest Overseas events… whether stateside or in-country. From Belize to France, Mexico to Portugal, wherever you join us, you’ll do so as a VIP… and have further opportunity to meet with our experts again in person.

You can read full details of your Private Access benefits here.

But one more thing before I sign off…

Private Access may be the fast track to retiring overseas. But it’s not about cutting corners…

We’ll ensure, as we walk you through the process, that every practical step is followed, every law upheld.

What you get from our experts is focus. There’s less distraction when you don’t have to consider the whole world anymore. You won’t lose days trying to find answers… or even the right questions to ask in the first place. Your mentors will work with you on the plan and be there to guide you through it all as efficiently as possible.

Private Access is not for everyone. But if you want to propel yourself into expat life… while still arming yourself with everything you need to know and following every step you need to follow… this is your ticket…

Remember, we can only take 10 clients per year. It’s first come, first served over here.

I hope to meet you in 2018 as one of our Private Access VIPs…

Valentine Fouché
Editor, Live and Invest Overseas Confidential
Tel. 1-888-627-8834 (toll-free in the United States)

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