Tags: life overseas

Paris during New Year´s Eve.

A European New Year

I’m about to ring in my seventh year as a resident in France, and I’ve so far celebrated in a variety of ways, ranging from cliché American, to cliché tourist, to cliché French. I blame the “American year” on my ninth month of pregnancy, when I wasn’t motivated to be anywhere but my bed or…
View od Madeira island in Portugal.

Peaceful Overseas Escapes

With election madness ramping up, even a cursory glance at the headlines serves as a reminder of how volatile and divisive U.S. politics have become. Add to that a string of global crises and conflicts, and the desire to somehow escape from the chaos becomes easily understandable. I’ve long been on a mission to identify…
Puerto Vallarta Mexico

The Top 2 Hotspots For A Latin America Retirement

Last week, I began a countdown of the top four places to retire in Latin America in 2024, and today, we come to the top two… #2: Panama, A Retirement And Business Haven With Pacific And Caribbean Coastlines Panama could arguably be called the world’s best offshore haven. There is no doubt that Panama has…
country-side in Norway

Escaping World Crisis

The existence of so many independent “nation states” across the world… “countries” the way we think of them today… is a relatively new phenomenon. The idea that every ethnic or social group should have its own independent national government and geographical homeland has been very successful in the last century. But it wasn’t always this…
Bacalar Lake at caribbean. Quintana Roo Mexico, Riviera Maya

Belize, Panama, Mexico, And Beyond…

In just a few days, we’ll be releasing our latest annual Overseas Retirement Index—this hugely anticipated report is the climax of everything we do all year long. Dozens of contributors spend the entire year scouting, experiencing, comparing, and reporting on the best places in the world to retire, and we bring all of that to…
Happy couple relaxing on the beach

Making The Most Of 2024

All the calendar days of a new year in front of us… Each one begging to be filled with discovery. I’d say that this world of ours is a pretty great place to be. I make the point in case you’re worried the opposite is true. In this age of 24/7 real-time news, it can…
Beautiful tropical beach at exotic island with palm trees

The 14 Things That Make A Great Overseas Destination

14 Essential Things To Consider Before Choosing Your New Home Overseas This week marks the 15th birthday of Live And Invest Overseas, and it seems like a good time for reminding ourselves of the basics… all the first things to consider when you

Happy friends doing barbecue outdoors

The Truth About Making Friends Overseas

Your New Foreign Friends Will Be Some Of The Best You Make… An American, a Norwegian, a Mexican, an Indian, and a Lithuanian sit down to lunch… No, it’s not the start of a bad joke, it’s what life looks like when you start to make friends in your new home overseas. The lunch I’m…

Senior couple hiking during summer

Take Your Pick: Custom-Tailor Your New Life Overseas

What Makes You Miserable? Start Your Overseas Adventure There This will be a piece of cake, I told myself as we prepared for our move from Baltimore to Waterford what now seems like a lifetime ago… How different can Ireland be from the United States? My husband, my daughter, and I, we’ll slide right into…

Approved Immigration Portugal application form with rubber stamp.

The 7 Best Countries To Get A Residency In 2020

7 Easiest Backup Residencies In The World Today Last week I shared with you the hellscape that is the French residency process (if you missed it, you can catch up here)… but I neglected to set your mind at ease. Because, while some countries make residency difficult and painful to acquire (ahem, France), others make it…

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