A Little Self-Sufficiency Is Better Than None
Back in January, following our Live and Invest in Belize event, we ran an optional add-on Self-Sufficiency Seminar in Belize’s Cayo region. It was our first attempt at anything like this…
We truly believe in Belize and its ability to offer one of the best “back to the land” lifestyle experiences. But, the return to self-sufficient practices is a relatively new movement—and a topic we hadn’t really talked a whole lot about. So, when we promoted the Self-Sufficiency weekend late last year, we weren’t sure we’d get the interest.
But we did. We filled up all the available spots, and those adventurers that came with us into the heart of the Cayo—guided by the experts who are living and teaching this way of life—had the weekend of a lifetime…
The feedback was so positive, we’ve decided to run another event this November. This will be our first stand-alone Self-Sufficiency Seminar…and, again, we’ll be based in Cayo, Belize.
I understand this is a specialized event—one that won’t appeal to everyone. But, if you’re at all intrigued by the idea, here are a few things you should now about the self-sufficient life…
First, you don’t need a farming background. Whether you live in the city or country… whether you keep a garden or just some potted plants on your balcony… this is open to everyone. All you need is a love of nature and an interest in growing some of your own fruits, vegetables, and herbs.
Likewise, you don’t need to drop everything to become a full-time farmer. This is something you can do on a small or large scale, whatever you’re comfortable with… and as time allows.
Most of all, self-sufficiency is not giving up on luxuries. It’s about having more control over your whole life… giving you and your family freedom and independence… and the satisfaction and rewards that come from growing your own.
Here’s how In Focus: Belize editor Con Murphy, who’s been striving toward self-sufficiency with his young family in the Cayo, describes the self-sufficient life:
“The only truly sustainable way to feed yourself and your family in the long run is to do what man has done for millennia: Grow and store your own food in a sustainable manner, either you yourself or as part of a community effort. An amazing amount of food can be grown on rooftops and balconies of city folks’ apartment buildings, too. If you have a lawn, you can farm. If you have a balcony or flat roof, you can grow fruit and vegetables year-round. A little self-sufficiency is better than none.
Here are the five big benefits of becoming more self-sufficient:
- 1: A self-sufficient person is not dependent on availability, capacity, or price fluctuations of central resource distribution systems (governments, banks, or the economy)…
- 2: A self-sufficient person minimizes resource loss due to transportation, considering the small physical scale and compact nature of the self-sufficient system. Keep it local!…
- 3: Self-sufficiency assumes the use of local renewable resources, which in itself has numerous advantages over using fossil fuels (think global warming and pollution)…
- 4: A self-sufficient system supports the ideas of resilient communities, transition movement, localization, and permaculture…
- 5: Self-sufficiency can help low-income families to achieve economic independence…”
Con will be part of the team on the ground this November to share his experience and walk you through all aspects of enhancing your lifestyle by using nature’s best resources.
Valentine Fouché
Editor, Live and Invest Overseas Confidential