Honest Reviews From Retire Overseas Conference Attendees
The Ultimate Survival Pack For Your Grand Adventure Overseas I confess… I feel a little left out this week… As I write, our ninth annual Retire Overseas Conference is in full swing in Houston, Texas, where all my far-flung colleagues and friends have come together to share what’s new from their corners of the globe.…
How, When, And Why I Decided To Make The Move Overseas
Confessions Of An Expat Living Happily Ever After When you’re planning a move to a new country overseas, it helps to surround yourself with a bunch of supportive, like-minded people. Your fellow reader Melanie Veah admits that she felt shy about coming to a Live and Invest Overseas Conference. But, once on the scene, all…
2 More Reasons To Attend Our Retire Overseas Conference
Why This Is The Best Week To Reserve Your Seat In Las Vegas My colleague Allison Jokinen, Senior Events Coordinator here at Live and Invest Overseas, recently started writing a newsletter exclusively for attendees joining us for our 2018 Retire Overseas Conference (or “ROC” as we call it in-house). Allison’s letter is called Backstage ROC: A Peek Behind…
Busting Myths: Expectation Versus Reality Of Moving Overseas
Expat Myth: You Have To Be Rich To Live Overseas Recently, Mary M., United States, wrote in to say: “Kathleen, I do not believe a word of the article you published from the people who say they quit their jobs and are traveling around. “Please don’t print stuff that is fantasy. It just isn’t fair.” All…
Our Biggest Event Yet: The 2017 Retire Overseas Conference
It’s our biggest event of the year… The one that covers every top overseas haven on our radar (all 21 of them)… The one where we bring together our experienced team of expats and experts from each of these top havens to share their hard-won experience and insights with you… And where, ultimately, we help…
Find Your Place In The Sun At The 2016 Retire Overseas Conference
Time To Get On Your Way It’s getting closer… our biggest and best event of the year… the 2016 Retire Overseas Conference. And, if you’ve never joined us for a Live and Invest Overseas event before, then this is the best start you can possibly give yourself as you explore your options for living a…
Deciding Where To Retire Overseas? You Need To Be Here
The Only Place You Need To Be This Year I love watching attendees over the days of our live events. Some walk in the door knowing exactly what they want and where they want to go. But, they tell us, they’re in desperate need of somebody to show them the ropes… to walk them through…